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[Whitepaper] How Appropriate Clean-Up Can Improve the Robustness of an LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Multiple Mycotoxins in a Range of Food Matrices

Let’s Safeguard Agriculture Together

Our groundbreaking research can enhance your mycotoxin testing protocols. After reading this whitepaper, you will have a better understanding of the following topics:

  1. The Urgency of Robust Testing Methods: As the global food supply becomes increasingly interconnected, ensuring food safety is paramount. Discover why robust mycotoxin testing methods are essential in today’s landscape.
  2. LC-MS/MS: The Gold Standard: Learn how liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has become the go-to method for mycotoxin analysis, especially in complex food matrices.
  3. Clean-Up Strategies Matter: Our study evaluated two multi-mycotoxin methods based on LC-MS/MS. The difference? One included an effective clean-up step. Find out how this step significantly improved method robustness, reduced matrix effects, and enhanced quantification accuracy.
  4. Reducing Failure Rates: Discover how investing in a clean-up strategy, combined with selecting the right LC-MS/MS system, can lead to fewer failures and increased lab productivity.

Download your copy of "How Appropriate Clean-Up Can Improve the Robustness of an LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Multiple Mycotoxins in a Range of Food Matrices" today!