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[White Paper] Enhancing Selectivity and Sensitivity for Pesticide Residue Testing by GC-MS/MS Using APGC Technology

Evolving GC-MS/MS technology provides greater selectivity, sensitivity and lower analyte detection limits. Competitive pressures and the need for increased productivity mean laboratories are constantly adapting to find solutions to address these challenges. 

  • GC-MS/MS using Waters’ Atmospheric Pressure ionization source for Gas Chromatography (APGC) technology has been shown to offer significant improvements in performance over traditional electron ionization (EI) systems, in terms of selectivity and sensitivity.
  • The use of APGC coupled with the Xevo TQ-XS demonstrates the extremely high sensitivity of the APGC technology with reliable detection for 166 tested analytes at concentrations as low as 0.5 μg/kg, exceeding required detection limits.

Download your "Enhancing Selectivity and Sensitivity for Pesticide Residue Testing by GC-MS/MS using APGC Technology" white paper now!